Thursday, November 5, 2009


Moon is apparently the story of a lone man and a droid, who harvest helium-3 from the moon, on behalf of Lunar Industries, to provide the Earth with clean energy. Not your cup of tea? More's the pity.

Moon is actually the story of what it means to be human and how control is exerted through misinformation and the abuse of power. It turns out that Lunar Industries are a tad unscrupulous in the HR department.

The relevance to brands? A brand can appear to be socially responsible, through information control and careful positioning, whilst actually being quite hypocritical. But, should the truth emerge, the results can be very damaging.

This has a bearing on all sorts of debates in communication, for example, the question as to whether Dove can legitimately champion "Real Beauty" when the same company conveys the stereotype of female beauty in Axe/Lynx commercials. A Google search of "Dove + hypocrisy" currently yields 233,000 results.

Companies with high profile CSR programmes likewise need to ensure that their integrity isn't compromised. With the power of social media, the truth will out.

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