Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Kraft in Greece uses packaging to send personalised messages - without changing the packaging. Through a mobile app, Kraft’s Lacta brand lets people use augmented reality to write a message on a chocolate bar. The recipient is notified via Facebook and uses their camera phone to reveal the message on any Lacta bar. (Via Springwise).

It's a smart initiative, driving consumption without adding packaging cost.

And the customisation craze is still going strong. A recent survey by IBM, "The Smarter Consumers Survey" indicated that people are still looking for a more personalised shopping experience. Moreover, they're willing to share their personal data with trusted brands to improve their experience.
75% said they’re willing to provide their media usage to retailers.
73% would provide demographic data.
61% would be willing to share their name and address.
59% would share lifestyle data.
56% would give their location in return for a more relevant shopping experience.

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